Sally Pointer has as a degree in Archaeology & Old English, a C&G in Training and Education and is currently doing an MSc in Experimental Archaeology.
She is a freelance heritage educator and the author of books on the history of cosmetics, herbs, and costume, makes YouTube videos on traditional skills and crafts, regularly appears on T
Sally Pointer has as a degree in Archaeology & Old English, a C&G in Training and Education and is currently doing an MSc in Experimental Archaeology.
She is a freelance heritage educator and the author of books on the history of cosmetics, herbs, and costume, makes YouTube videos on traditional skills and crafts, regularly appears on TV and Radio and is also a knitwear designer and avid hedge-botherer.
Sally's courses are:
An Introduction to Prehistoric Textiles
An Introduction to Sprang.
PLUS Sally will be one of the tutors over the Heritage Textiles craft weekend on the 6th-7th July 2024
Fiona Wagstaff and her husband Steve are Makers of quality reproduction artefacts, based on archaeological finds from the Bronze age, Roman and Saxon periods.
They visit museums and research archaeological finds to make their replicas as accurate as possible including being involved in experimental archaeological projects.
They work wit
Fiona Wagstaff and her husband Steve are Makers of quality reproduction artefacts, based on archaeological finds from the Bronze age, Roman and Saxon periods.
They visit museums and research archaeological finds to make their replicas as accurate as possible including being involved in experimental archaeological projects.
They work with National and local Museums throughout the UK, Europe, and the USA. They have also worked with the National Trust, English Heritage, other historic houses, private specialist collectors, historical interpreters and educators and film production companies.
Fiona runs courses in historic book binding techniques.
Craig Brooks is the Saxon Forager.
As Saxon reenactor he researches and tries historic recipes.
He has a youtube and podcast meeting people with historic interest.
Craig has appeared on Channel 5’s “Vikings” series cooking for the presenter.
He has travelled across Europe cooking in historic places and Viking villages.
Craig will be runni
Craig Brooks is the Saxon Forager.
As Saxon reenactor he researches and tries historic recipes.
He has a youtube and podcast meeting people with historic interest.
Craig has appeared on Channel 5’s “Vikings” series cooking for the presenter.
He has travelled across Europe cooking in historic places and Viking villages.
Craig will be running courses on:
Deer butchery (over 18s only)
Cook Like A Viking
Vanessa Bunton has as a masters degree in Archaeology and a PGCE.
She has long-term excavation experience in Central America with a focus on the Maya.
She is a freelance workshop provider and living historian in public engagement, travelling around the UK covering from the Stone Age to the Vikings and the Maya world.
Vanessa has worked i
Vanessa Bunton has as a masters degree in Archaeology and a PGCE.
She has long-term excavation experience in Central America with a focus on the Maya.
She is a freelance workshop provider and living historian in public engagement, travelling around the UK covering from the Stone Age to the Vikings and the Maya world.
Vanessa has worked in schools, the British Museum, Grimes Graves, The Old Royal Naval College, Butser Ancient Farm, Avoncroft, Chalke Valley History Festival and the Out of Eden Project in Wales amongst others.
Vanessa will be running workshops in:
Prehistoric Amber Pendant workshop
Prehistoric Coiled Basket Workshop
PLUS Vanessa will be one of the tutors over the Heritage Textiles craft weekend on the 6th-7th July 2024
Ben Farnell is Hiow-Beorht
Bringing Colour to the Middle Ages
Ben is the Master Scribe and Limner (a limner is a person who paints illuminated manuscripts). He has been practising calligraphy since 2018, but has been a professional graphic designer and illustrator all his life. He also enoys leather-working and carpentry.
Hiow-Beorht ar
Ben Farnell is Hiow-Beorht
Bringing Colour to the Middle Ages
Ben is the Master Scribe and Limner (a limner is a person who paints illuminated manuscripts). He has been practising calligraphy since 2018, but has been a professional graphic designer and illustrator all his life. He also enoys leather-working and carpentry.
Hiow-Beorht are a family of artisans who travel around the country demonstrating medieval artistic skills at events, battles and markets. Unique artworks, workshops and have-a-go sessions.
Ben will be running workshops in:
Medieval Illuminations
Medieval Calligraphy
Co- Director of Ancient Wessex Network CIC for 14 years Mark puts on demonstrations and displays of craftwork from Pre-History.
Mark has put on historic metalworking displays in numerous venues including historic building, festivals and at the Ancient Technology Centre.
Amongst other specialities Mark’s expertise is making bronze swords, w
Co- Director of Ancient Wessex Network CIC for 14 years Mark puts on demonstrations and displays of craftwork from Pre-History.
Mark has put on historic metalworking displays in numerous venues including historic building, festivals and at the Ancient Technology Centre.
Amongst other specialities Mark’s expertise is making bronze swords, wooden battle clubs and willow baskets.
Mark teaches courses on Woodcarving, Basket weaving and Bronze casting with addition work in textiles, leather and food. Mark is currently experimenting with Bronze Age casting materials.
Mark runs workshops in:
Viking and Celtic Woodcarving
Basket weaving
Bronze Casting
Andy Stevens is the Senior Tutor at the Ancient Technology Centre.
He has worked for nearly 20 years in the historic education sector including outdoor education.
Andy is passionate about many eras of history, leading him into re-enactment and to create a storytelling business retelling tales of places and peoples past. Plus fire-breathing
Andy Stevens is the Senior Tutor at the Ancient Technology Centre.
He has worked for nearly 20 years in the historic education sector including outdoor education.
Andy is passionate about many eras of history, leading him into re-enactment and to create a storytelling business retelling tales of places and peoples past. Plus fire-breathing!
He is a highly skilled archer establishing a successful club in Hertford.
Andy is a huge Lord of the Rings fan and is currently recording a fan-film based on this world with original characters.
Andy Will be running workshops in
Archery Skills
Bow Making
Antony Whitlock is a tutor at the Ancient Technology Centre.
He is an experienced teacher and began his outdoor education journey with a bush-craft company teaching traditional skills.
Antony studied the Experimental Archaeology MA at the University of Exeter with a focus on flint knapping.
He is also interested in Medieval swordsmanship and
Antony Whitlock is a tutor at the Ancient Technology Centre.
He is an experienced teacher and began his outdoor education journey with a bush-craft company teaching traditional skills.
Antony studied the Experimental Archaeology MA at the University of Exeter with a focus on flint knapping.
He is also interested in Medieval swordsmanship and regularly attends a club to hone his knowledge and skills.
Antony runs workshops in
Flint knapping
Bow Making
Spoon Carving
Jenny Heath is a Tutor at the Ancient Technology Centre
She has over 20 years experience in teaching in schools, outdoor education and adult textile courses.
Jenny first became passionate about textiles as a reenactor with the Vikings UK Society and has made re-enactment clothing and tablet weaving for hundreds of customers.
She has a Livi
Jenny Heath is a Tutor at the Ancient Technology Centre
She has over 20 years experience in teaching in schools, outdoor education and adult textile courses.
Jenny first became passionate about textiles as a reenactor with the Vikings UK Society and has made re-enactment clothing and tablet weaving for hundreds of customers.
She has a Living History display of textiles at Vikings UK events and a stall selling her own hand made items at the Artisans and Reenactor's Market, Jorvik 10th Century Market, and Glastonbury Abbey Medieval Fayre amongst others.
Jenny runs workshops in:
Tablet Weaving
Natural Dyeing
Caroline Nicolay is Pario Gallico
Born in Eastern France, and with two Masters in Archaeology and Heritage management & interpretation in France, Caroline focused on ''experiential archaeology''.
Passionate about traditional crafts and skills, from cooking to building techniques, she studies and presents the Iron Age (800 BC - 1st BC/1st
Caroline Nicolay is Pario Gallico
Born in Eastern France, and with two Masters in Archaeology and Heritage management & interpretation in France, Caroline focused on ''experiential archaeology''.
Passionate about traditional crafts and skills, from cooking to building techniques, she studies and presents the Iron Age (800 BC - 1st BC/1st AD).
Caroline demonstrates and gives lectures on Iron Age cooking and paints and pigments on television, at museums and a range of historic centres around the UK and Northern Europe.
Caroline is a traditional builder with a speciality in earth house techniques and is passionate about promoting this sustainable building method and material.
With her partner Tom Timbrell they work as Pario Gallico.
Caroline runs workshops in:
Ancient paints and pigments
Tom Timbrell Of Heritage Blades
Traditional Blade-smith, Cutler and Historical Interpreter
Tom completed a History degree before a course in blacksmithing and metalworking at Warwickshire College. Initially working as an artist blacksmith, Thomas began to specialise in bladesmithing and knife making. Over the years, this has expanded to in
Tom Timbrell Of Heritage Blades
Traditional Blade-smith, Cutler and Historical Interpreter
Tom completed a History degree before a course in blacksmithing and metalworking at Warwickshire College. Initially working as an artist blacksmith, Thomas began to specialise in bladesmithing and knife making. Over the years, this has expanded to include all forms of cutlery, from swords, daggers and surgical tools, all the way to spoons, forks and other tableware.
Whether for living history, museums or film work, Thomas combines both modern and traditional techniques in his workshop to create faithful representation of some of history's most remarkable cutlery.
Tom regularly displays his blacksmithing skills at historic events such as the Chalke Valley History Festival
With his partner Caroline they work as Pario Gallico, Iron Age interpreters.
Tom runs workshops in:
Knife Making
Co-director of the Ancient Wessex Network CIC.Bill is most famous for his Bronze Age Pottery - more details can be seen at his website
His pottery ranges from authentic replicas, made from clay he has dug, shaped by hand and fired in open an bonfire to more contemporary wares that are inspired by the ancient pots but
Co-director of the Ancient Wessex Network CIC.Bill is most famous for his Bronze Age Pottery - more details can be seen at his website
His pottery ranges from authentic replicas, made from clay he has dug, shaped by hand and fired in open an bonfire to more contemporary wares that are inspired by the ancient pots but are made using more recent technologies, such as wheels and kilns. "Woden" the large wood fuelled kiln that he built and fires produces most of his output - beakers and bowls.
Bill is an experimental archaeologist with pottery and amongst his many techniques he has completed an Earth-firing.
Bill runs workshops in:
Prehistoric pottery
Elizabeth Iekawehatie is
The Wild Wool Shepherdess
Traditional Shepherdess, Wildlife and Countryside Conservation practitioner. She uses grazing animals on nature reserves to protect and create a diverse habitat structure for Wildlife and land management. Elizabeth utilise their fleeces using the ancient art and skill of weaving to produ
Elizabeth Iekawehatie is
The Wild Wool Shepherdess
Traditional Shepherdess, Wildlife and Countryside Conservation practitioner. She uses grazing animals on nature reserves to protect and create a diverse habitat structure for Wildlife and land management. Elizabeth utilise their fleeces using the ancient art and skill of weaving to produce various Wool products.
Elizabeth has had many TV appearances including on: “Living wild—how to change your life”
She is a practitioner of traditional, ancestral skills is now teaching small holders and individuals through workshops and retreats how to bring back value to wool and live more sustainably in harmony and connection with our land, wildlife, waters and Mother Nature
Elizabeth runs workshops in:
Traditional tanning (animal skins)
The Wild Felted Wool Rug
Wild Roman Retreats
Jack Fazey is Fazey Woodcraft
Teacher, maker & mender, Jack’s been teaching & practicing bushcraft, ancient crafts and wood carving for many years. When not out in the woods learning & making, you’ll find Jack running one of his highly regarded, regular workshops.
Jack apprenticed with renowned woodsman Ben Law. This apprenticeship saw h
Jack Fazey is Fazey Woodcraft
Teacher, maker & mender, Jack’s been teaching & practicing bushcraft, ancient crafts and wood carving for many years. When not out in the woods learning & making, you’ll find Jack running one of his highly regarded, regular workshops.
Jack apprenticed with renowned woodsman Ben Law. This apprenticeship saw him living full time in a 100 acre coppice in West Sussex, managing the woodland in the traditional way and learning ancient skills such as charcoal making, timber framing and the green wood crafts that used to supply us with the majority of our everyday items.
Following this apprenticeship he moved to Dorset with his wife, started a family and began to pursue his fascination with ancient technology and ways of living full time.
Jack runs workshops in:
Spoon-carving - beginners to advanced
Timber Framing
The Birch Tree Workshop
Sarah Day is Memma the Cavewoman.
Sarah is an artisan maker, experimental archaeologist and teacher of all things bushcraft and prehistoric. She is Prehistoric Experiences; a national company specialising in immersive Stone Age school outreach visits.
She has worked in the the outdoor education and bushcraft industries for over 13 years, st
Sarah Day is Memma the Cavewoman.
Sarah is an artisan maker, experimental archaeologist and teacher of all things bushcraft and prehistoric. She is Prehistoric Experiences; a national company specialising in immersive Stone Age school outreach visits.
She has worked in the the outdoor education and bushcraft industries for over 13 years, starting with Ray Mears' company Woodlore Ltd.
She has numerous skills including tanning, butchering, flint knapping, making tools for bone and different materials, making clothing from skins and has a particular interest in plants and their uses.
She has other time periods of interest including Tudor Living History at Kentwell Hall.
Sarah runs workshops in:
Flint knapping and pressure flaking
Butchering and using the whole animal
Bushcraft skills
Copyright © 2017 Ancient Technology Centre - All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of AWD Photography, Tony Harris , and various Volunteers including Clive Perrin