Corporate Team Building Days
Our Adult team-building days are unique in their content and setting.
Choose one of our tailor-made days or get in touch to see how we can cater to your needs.
Our Earthouse can seat over 200 people and we have a projector to fulfil any presentations you may wish to use our site for.
We have a replica Viking Longhouse which has a fully equipped kitchen, Wi-Fi and electric points and space for approximately 20 adults to stay the night.
We can cater for your day at an additional fee for lunch, dinner or both. Some of the team building days have communal meal preparation of a historic meal as part of the experience.
Your could combine your day with your own training and our bespoke heritage courses or simply hire our site to use.
Get in touch to ask about one of the days below or to discuss your requirements.
Our tutors have historic bush-craft skills and will run days based on your choices from the following activities:
- fire lighting techniques
- shelter building
- cooking over a fire (fish, pigeon, deer or rabbit each with a different cost)
- moving a stone monolith as a team
- Archery with a longbow
Join our team of tutors and volunteers in helping to build or conserve our replica buildings. Your day will include some of the following historic skills:
- Making wattle and daub panels.
- Using earth pigments to make paints and painting on walls.
- Making cob for walling and bricks.
- Constructing wooden buildings
At the Ancient Technology Centre we pride ourselves in our preservation of heritage crafts through our community of tutors, volunteers and craftspeople.
Make your own bespoke day of heritage crafts from the following list:
willow weaving, arrow making, bow making, tablet weaving, nalbinding, blacksmithing, rope making, spoon carving, felt making, tanning, flint-knapping or making cob bricks.
At the Ancient Technology Centre we run days from the Stone Age to Viking Age.
Choose a time period to focus on and we will put together a unique experience for your colleagues. The day will focus around historic jobs on site and also preparing food for communal meals at lunch and dinnertime.
We will also have historic skills such as archery or moving a monolith to choose from.
We use wood for just about everything we do on site. In our historic buildings and the fencing around site we use coppiced hazel from the local Sixpenny Handley RSPB woodland.
Work with wood at our centre and choose from the following options:
coppicing using billhooks, weaving a hazel fence, traditional hedge-laying, using froes and other wood tools, pole lathing.
Seasonal September-March.
At the Ancient Technology Centre we have combat experts who can guide you through warfare from the Stone Age to Medieval times.
The activities will include:
- Archery with a longbow
- Long sword training
- Viking shield wall training
Prices correct as of 2025
The Price of your ATC visit will depend on how many tutors are required to teach your sessions. The price is £564 plus VAT for 2 ATC tutors and more can be negotiated.
To hire the site for your own day's events there is a site hire charge of £895 +VAT a day.
Catering costs are per head and dependant upon lunch, dinner and a light breakfast the next morning if staying overnight.
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
We fully appreciate that all events are different and require personal consideration. Please call or email the office with your requirements.
Arrive Friday evening - Depart Sunday 2pm.
Arrive Friday evening, sleep up to 20 people in the Viking Longhouse on both Friday and Saturday night. Saturday whole day – Sunday close down and clear site by 2pm.
You will be given an induction prior to your visit and a mobile number for emergency contact.
Arrive Friday evening - Depart Saturday night 11pm
Arrive Friday evening, sleep up to 20 people in the Viking Longhouse for the night. Exclusive use of the site on Saturday, departing by site by 11pm.
You will be given an induction prior to your visit and a mobile number for emergency contact.
Arrive Saturday morning - Depart Sunday 12noon.
Arrive Saturday morning, exclusive use of the site on Saturday, sleep up to 20 people in the Viking Longhouse on Saturday night departing by 12noon on Sunday.
You will be given an induction prior to your visit and a mobile number for emergency contact.
Arrive in the morning at 9am , exclusive use of the site all day, departing by 6pm in the evening.
You will be given an induction prior to your visit and a mobile number for emergency contact.
Arrive in the morning at 9am , exclusive use of the site all day, departing by 6pm in the evening.
You will be given an induction prior to your visit and a mobile number for emergency contact.
Hire the site for the whole day sleeping up to 20 people in the Viking Longhouse either the night before or the night after. Dependant on when you are staying over, departure will be either 12 noon or by 11pm (see weekend 1 day examples).
You will be given an induction prior to your visit and a mobile number for emergency contact.
Full payment is required in advance for private hire with the understanding that any breakages or clean required after the event will be billed at an addition cost.
Copyright © 2017 Ancient Technology Centre - All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of AWD Photography, Tony Harris , and various Volunteers including Clive Perrin